Physician Care
"A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings and learn how by his own thought to derive benefits from his illness"
- Hippocrat
Physician's care is served in two phases. All patients must go through these phases.
Phase 1: Preview of a Patient at Station 1
Trained Medical graduates serves in this phaseCare given:
1. Detail history taking
2. Complete physical examination
3. Taking notes/Documentation/Checking of previous investigation reports
4. Give relevant health education and direction
Phase 2: Final Management at Station 2
This phase is served by Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam.Care given:
1. Review medical history
2. Perform relevant examination
3. Review of previous investigations
4. Request relevant investigations
5. Reach to a clinical diagnosis
6. Provide prescription
7. Advice and directing for relevant physiotherapy care
8. Advice and directing for relevant nutritional care
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